Dear all,
It seems like so much has been going on, right? Friends and I were talking about how it feels like we've lived at least a year in the last few months! It's just been incredible and hard to believe we are half-way through December, days away from the winter solstice and we're nipping at the heals of 2018!
One of the things I've worked on this year (and continue to work on) which was key to keeping up with all the twists and turns of 2017 is the balance of my Divine Family... Maqa explains below!
I am beyond excited to announce our next Retreat on Sacred Relationship! Ladies and Gentlemen... Save The Date: April 24-28, 2018 in beautiful Sedona, Arizona! There's more information below and links to the website with all the details! Check it out!!
If you feel as though some guidance might help you get 2018 off to a running start, I would love to connect and assist! You can book by clicking HERE!
I wish you all a joyous, love-filled and balanced Holiday Season with your Divine Family and loved ones!
Much love,
It seems like so much has been going on, right? Friends and I were talking about how it feels like we've lived at least a year in the last few months! It's just been incredible and hard to believe we are half-way through December, days away from the winter solstice and we're nipping at the heals of 2018!
One of the things I've worked on this year (and continue to work on) which was key to keeping up with all the twists and turns of 2017 is the balance of my Divine Family... Maqa explains below!
I am beyond excited to announce our next Retreat on Sacred Relationship! Ladies and Gentlemen... Save The Date: April 24-28, 2018 in beautiful Sedona, Arizona! There's more information below and links to the website with all the details! Check it out!!
If you feel as though some guidance might help you get 2018 off to a running start, I would love to connect and assist! You can book by clicking HERE!
I wish you all a joyous, love-filled and balanced Holiday Season with your Divine Family and loved ones!
Much love,
Good day everyone,
I hope this message finds you all in sacred relationship with yourself. There is almost an epidemic of dysfunctional relationships in your realm because so many of you continuously and unconsciously combat or bounce off the wounds of one another. It is, of course, perfect for you to be attracting in your partners based on the wounded parts of yourself as you are designed to attract what you most need to heal. However, in order for you to develop and enjoy healthy relationships, it is important to first make the choice to have conscious ones. It is harmony in relationship we wish for you to seek and, therefore, it is important to first have that harmony within yourself… Your own Divine Family! By Divine Family, I speak of your Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Inner Child. You each, regardless of gender, hold all of these magnificent energies and all should be engaged.
The Divine Masculine is considered electrically charged. The energy of the Divine Masculine is one of doing, direction, intellect, leadership, abundance and analytical thinking; can also be controlling, impatient and aggressive. The masculine supports the process for whatever is being brought into manifestation via the Divine Feminine. It is the highest, most inspiring and truest expression of masculinity brought about through your thoughts, words, actions and beliefs. These aspects of the masculine can be expressed in a balanced or imbalanced manner. An example of an imbalanced masculine energy might be if one becomes overpowering, ego-driven or perhaps rigid and inflexible. A healthy representation of the Divine Masculine is seen in the person who is strong, yet gentle and moves through conflict, while staying in a place of honesty, integrity and diplomacy.
The Divine Feminine is attractively magnetic and feels the world profoundly through the heart. The energy of the Divine feminine is one of being, allowing, nurturing, feeling, sensual, patient and compassionate; can also be unfocused, easily distracted and reckless. She represents growth, in all aspects… spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. You birth many things… ideas, relationships, business plans or a family and it is the Divine Feminine within you which brings it to full fruition. An example of an imbalanced feminine energy might be someone who is overly emotional, dramatic and stuck in the victim role; has difficulty making decisions and establishing healthy boundaries. A healthy representation of the Divine Feminine is connected to her power and understands the perfection of the process and how everything happens in Divine time. She is open and receptive to the natural rhythms and flow of life yet knows when it’s time to take positive and fierce action.
With self-awareness you can bring these two energies within yourself into harmony. It is normal to naturally be stronger in one aspect and perhaps lacking in another. It is also extremely helpful for you to learn to develop one or the other, where needed. The goal is not to be in perfect balance all the time or to even master all positive aspects of each of the energies as this would not always be appropriate. There are times in life when it is necessary to be less flexible or perhaps more emotional. We would like to suggest you honor you for where you are while simultaneously working toward finding an understanding of why and where you negatively react, think and behave so instinctively. Be honest with yourself and honor your authenticity in the process. Although shifts out of old negative patterns are integral in terms of harmony… Keep in mind you are Divine by design. There is perfection in your true essence… whose attraction factor is also always in effect.
The inner child is the part of you who is playful, free and spontaneous as well as completely impulsive in terms of getting needs met. Two-year-olds display the traits of the inner child perfectly… They are full of joy and completely in the moment. They will tell you exactly what they want, what they think and how they feel. They can also express their negative feelings with irrational rage in the form of temper tantrums and display incredible tenacity when it comes to getting what they desire. The basics needs of your inner child are still very present in your lives… No matter how old you are. It is important to know, the inner child holds all of your memories from childhood. When you become emotionally triggered or overwhelmed (especially in relationships) you tend to regress and revert back to your subconscious patterns in order to get your needs met. It is at these times the inner child can wreak havoc on your relationships. For those of you (read most of you) who were not adequately nurtured or made to feel safe, sane and secure, your inner children can play out destructively throughout adulthood. Even if you weren’t raised with a lot of childhood trauma, everyone has an inner child that needs to be loved, played with and nurtured as well as directed and brought back into line when necessary. Allowing your inner child too much free reign and over-indulging them can lead you to patterns of feeling unhappy unless you get your way. If the inner child doesn’t receive enough attention from you, you may feel like you are unworthy of what you desire, feel uncared for and as if you don’t matter. The inner child, when left feeling unloved can become an adult who either feels weak and in fear or uses rage and manipulation as a tool for getting their needs met. It is your responsibility as the leader of your Divine Family to re-parent your inner-child; meet your needs that were not met for you as a child and love them fiercely. Isn’t it perfect that you have these masculine and feminine energies within to appropriately re-parent, love and care for them in the way they have craved for so very many years.
It is important to understand these aspects of yourself so you can improve your sense of well-being and create healthy, harmonious relationships. Harmony amongst these aspects of yourSelf will lead to increased confidence, authenticity and feelings of positive self worth. Each and every relationship you have depends most upon one thing… The relationship you have with yourself. Commit to this Divine Family within. Ask Spirit for help… You are much too amazing and spectacular to have anything but harmonious relationships… with yourself and others. You also owe it to yourself to take the steps to stay connected to Spirit… Allow us the pleasure of helping you re-member with all these heavenly parts of who you are! We dearly love each and every aspect of your Divine Being!
Giving love from the heart,
I hope this message finds you all in sacred relationship with yourself. There is almost an epidemic of dysfunctional relationships in your realm because so many of you continuously and unconsciously combat or bounce off the wounds of one another. It is, of course, perfect for you to be attracting in your partners based on the wounded parts of yourself as you are designed to attract what you most need to heal. However, in order for you to develop and enjoy healthy relationships, it is important to first make the choice to have conscious ones. It is harmony in relationship we wish for you to seek and, therefore, it is important to first have that harmony within yourself… Your own Divine Family! By Divine Family, I speak of your Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Inner Child. You each, regardless of gender, hold all of these magnificent energies and all should be engaged.
The Divine Masculine is considered electrically charged. The energy of the Divine Masculine is one of doing, direction, intellect, leadership, abundance and analytical thinking; can also be controlling, impatient and aggressive. The masculine supports the process for whatever is being brought into manifestation via the Divine Feminine. It is the highest, most inspiring and truest expression of masculinity brought about through your thoughts, words, actions and beliefs. These aspects of the masculine can be expressed in a balanced or imbalanced manner. An example of an imbalanced masculine energy might be if one becomes overpowering, ego-driven or perhaps rigid and inflexible. A healthy representation of the Divine Masculine is seen in the person who is strong, yet gentle and moves through conflict, while staying in a place of honesty, integrity and diplomacy.
The Divine Feminine is attractively magnetic and feels the world profoundly through the heart. The energy of the Divine feminine is one of being, allowing, nurturing, feeling, sensual, patient and compassionate; can also be unfocused, easily distracted and reckless. She represents growth, in all aspects… spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. You birth many things… ideas, relationships, business plans or a family and it is the Divine Feminine within you which brings it to full fruition. An example of an imbalanced feminine energy might be someone who is overly emotional, dramatic and stuck in the victim role; has difficulty making decisions and establishing healthy boundaries. A healthy representation of the Divine Feminine is connected to her power and understands the perfection of the process and how everything happens in Divine time. She is open and receptive to the natural rhythms and flow of life yet knows when it’s time to take positive and fierce action.
With self-awareness you can bring these two energies within yourself into harmony. It is normal to naturally be stronger in one aspect and perhaps lacking in another. It is also extremely helpful for you to learn to develop one or the other, where needed. The goal is not to be in perfect balance all the time or to even master all positive aspects of each of the energies as this would not always be appropriate. There are times in life when it is necessary to be less flexible or perhaps more emotional. We would like to suggest you honor you for where you are while simultaneously working toward finding an understanding of why and where you negatively react, think and behave so instinctively. Be honest with yourself and honor your authenticity in the process. Although shifts out of old negative patterns are integral in terms of harmony… Keep in mind you are Divine by design. There is perfection in your true essence… whose attraction factor is also always in effect.
The inner child is the part of you who is playful, free and spontaneous as well as completely impulsive in terms of getting needs met. Two-year-olds display the traits of the inner child perfectly… They are full of joy and completely in the moment. They will tell you exactly what they want, what they think and how they feel. They can also express their negative feelings with irrational rage in the form of temper tantrums and display incredible tenacity when it comes to getting what they desire. The basics needs of your inner child are still very present in your lives… No matter how old you are. It is important to know, the inner child holds all of your memories from childhood. When you become emotionally triggered or overwhelmed (especially in relationships) you tend to regress and revert back to your subconscious patterns in order to get your needs met. It is at these times the inner child can wreak havoc on your relationships. For those of you (read most of you) who were not adequately nurtured or made to feel safe, sane and secure, your inner children can play out destructively throughout adulthood. Even if you weren’t raised with a lot of childhood trauma, everyone has an inner child that needs to be loved, played with and nurtured as well as directed and brought back into line when necessary. Allowing your inner child too much free reign and over-indulging them can lead you to patterns of feeling unhappy unless you get your way. If the inner child doesn’t receive enough attention from you, you may feel like you are unworthy of what you desire, feel uncared for and as if you don’t matter. The inner child, when left feeling unloved can become an adult who either feels weak and in fear or uses rage and manipulation as a tool for getting their needs met. It is your responsibility as the leader of your Divine Family to re-parent your inner-child; meet your needs that were not met for you as a child and love them fiercely. Isn’t it perfect that you have these masculine and feminine energies within to appropriately re-parent, love and care for them in the way they have craved for so very many years.
It is important to understand these aspects of yourself so you can improve your sense of well-being and create healthy, harmonious relationships. Harmony amongst these aspects of yourSelf will lead to increased confidence, authenticity and feelings of positive self worth. Each and every relationship you have depends most upon one thing… The relationship you have with yourself. Commit to this Divine Family within. Ask Spirit for help… You are much too amazing and spectacular to have anything but harmonious relationships… with yourself and others. You also owe it to yourself to take the steps to stay connected to Spirit… Allow us the pleasure of helping you re-member with all these heavenly parts of who you are! We dearly love each and every aspect of your Divine Being!
Giving love from the heart,
Check it out!
Sacred Relationship Retreat
Sedona, AZ
April 24 - 28, 2018
Ladies & Gentlemen... Are you ready to discover the most Sacred relationship of all... The relationship with yourself and Spirit? Are you ready to learn to love and be loved fiercely, fearlessly and freely? Come discover how to create a new level of connection, self-worth and authenticity while understanding how to stand confidently and in harmony with your heart and your own power! Join Tina Provenzano, Sequoia Rauch and DebRa Falanga along with an amazing team of practitioners for a transformative spiritual retreat that will open your eyes, expand your heart and leave your Soul soaring while you soak up the sacred energies of the Red Rocks in Sedona, AZ!
April 24th-28th, 2018
Sacred Relationship Retreat
Sedona, AZ
April 24 - 28, 2018
Ladies & Gentlemen... Are you ready to discover the most Sacred relationship of all... The relationship with yourself and Spirit? Are you ready to learn to love and be loved fiercely, fearlessly and freely? Come discover how to create a new level of connection, self-worth and authenticity while understanding how to stand confidently and in harmony with your heart and your own power! Join Tina Provenzano, Sequoia Rauch and DebRa Falanga along with an amazing team of practitioners for a transformative spiritual retreat that will open your eyes, expand your heart and leave your Soul soaring while you soak up the sacred energies of the Red Rocks in Sedona, AZ!
April 24th-28th, 2018