Good morning everyone,
It is with great pleasure I re-unite with all of you today… Such beautiful and radiant Beings are you! One day soon I will share with you what it took to get the channel to surrender and allow us the pleasure of connecting… With some of you again and with others, for the first time – in this venue!
Surrendering is not an easy task and it is a personal and transformative process. Are Spirit and your Soul calling you to surrender to something in your life? Surrender is the eye of the needle through which every human must pass. This is an immensely freeing opportunity!
The mere word {{{surrender}}} conjures up feelings of fear and resistance in some of you. If this is true for you, it is also true that surrender will be the salve with which you heal and evolve past the point you ever believed possible. A state of surrender is an immensely glorious place to be you know?! The struggle many face in surrendering is you come up against a belief that says… In order to surrender, I must give up something I value. You may feel you are being asked to surrender a dream, an outcome, an unhealthy relationship, a circumstance within a relationship, your pride, your desire to be right or, perhaps a battle of some sort… Even if it’s just the one taking place in your head!
It is important to understand, you will never be asked to surrender your dreams. We are only asking you to surrender your insistence upon how they manifest. We ask that you keep dreaming and leave these dreams with Us for upgrading! Accept that you don’t, from your temporal being’s vantage point, have the best view of what is actually possible. And, isn’t it perfect that Spirit does?! The successful co-creation of your dreams is Spirit’s favorite excuse for a grand celebration!
You are Divine Creators! So, please, dream your dreams… I assure you they spring from the origin of your own Divine Soul. We do request that you write them in pencil and give Spirit the eraser…
We have energetic doctorates in dreaming and see all current and future potentials! We understand there are circumstances when a state of surrender will be more challenging for you to attain. It’s also realistic for some to expect, in the beginning, you will move back and forth between states of resistance and surrender. It is a process…
One that is best continually practiced. However, learning to surrender your attachment to outcomes will bring you a sense of freedom and peace you never knew existed. We enthusiastically encourage you to develop this practice as it comes with great reward...
It’s the death of suffering. Change is inevitable… Your suffering is optional. Suffering happens when you fall into the gap and get stuck between how things are and how you think they should be. It’s important to understand you will never be able to control or change your current circumstances by resisting “what is”.
Many resist surrendering because you don’t see any physical evidence of - nor do you have faith that your current circumstances can change for the better. If you did, you would absolutely let that sh*t go! Understand that physical evidence is not the only or even the greatest source of proof that your dreams are manifesting. Much is taking place outside of the physical realm. When you resist what is, you block your own energy flow and you feel “stuck”. When you surrender, you move into acceptance and you stop focusing on “what isn’t”. This is the first step to being back in the flow of your life.
As your energy begins to flow again you will feel inspired, synchronicity begins to abound, you find yourself in alignment (more often than not) with your dreams and life feels joyful. It sounds delightful, yes? I promise you, it feels even better!
So, you say… Maqa, what exactly are you asking us to surrender? This is a great question! We ask you to surrender and trust Spirit’s eagle eye view and our Divine sense of timing. We ask that you relax (read RELEASE) your grip on the steering wheel. We ask that you surrender the notion that you know the best route to your desired destination. Surrender your own judgments about where you think you should be in life. Do you know where you should be? Right where you are! This is the grand design of the Divine! If you choose to believe it, you will have your physical evidence. It is important to remember that your dreams and desires are born out of contrast.
Experiencing what you don’t want helps you understand what you do want to experience. This brings about a desire for change and, voila, a dream is born. So please refrain from judging your experiences. Your dreams will not spring forth from a judgment that you are not where you “should” be. This is resistance… “My life should look like ________.” Please, fill in the blank. (I should be in a different job, I should be promoted by now, I should be in business for myself at this point, my house should have sold by now, I should be in a relationship, I should be married, I should have 2.5 children and a dog; I should be fully expressing my purpose and my passion!)
The truth is… No, it shouldn’t look that way right now. Because, if it was supposed to look that way… It would look that way. And, the moment it should look that way… You will know it without a shadow of a doubt because, it will look that way!
The moment you make the choice to trust and surrender, you are one giant leap closer to the life you desire… The one filled with peace, joy and inspiration. So please, surrender all of your favorite story lines about why you are where you are, or why you’re not where you want to be; who is at fault for that and how this situation is keeping you from living your dreams. Searching your beliefs and becoming aware of the “link” between your past conditioning and your current circumstances can help you become aware of the source of your resistance. However, it is equally important to surrender your stories and step into the life you desire!
Release your resistance to where you are in this moment and accept that “what is” is perfect for the evolution of your Soul, even if it doesn’t feel good in the moment. Place your focus on enjoying your life and all the many blessings that abound. Trust Spirit to help guide you toward all the perfect steps. You deserve to feel peaceful and joyful while on the journey of pursuing your dreams! Grab Spirit’s hand… We are happy to help you soar.
You are so dearly loved,
It is with great pleasure I re-unite with all of you today… Such beautiful and radiant Beings are you! One day soon I will share with you what it took to get the channel to surrender and allow us the pleasure of connecting… With some of you again and with others, for the first time – in this venue!
Surrendering is not an easy task and it is a personal and transformative process. Are Spirit and your Soul calling you to surrender to something in your life? Surrender is the eye of the needle through which every human must pass. This is an immensely freeing opportunity!
The mere word {{{surrender}}} conjures up feelings of fear and resistance in some of you. If this is true for you, it is also true that surrender will be the salve with which you heal and evolve past the point you ever believed possible. A state of surrender is an immensely glorious place to be you know?! The struggle many face in surrendering is you come up against a belief that says… In order to surrender, I must give up something I value. You may feel you are being asked to surrender a dream, an outcome, an unhealthy relationship, a circumstance within a relationship, your pride, your desire to be right or, perhaps a battle of some sort… Even if it’s just the one taking place in your head!
It is important to understand, you will never be asked to surrender your dreams. We are only asking you to surrender your insistence upon how they manifest. We ask that you keep dreaming and leave these dreams with Us for upgrading! Accept that you don’t, from your temporal being’s vantage point, have the best view of what is actually possible. And, isn’t it perfect that Spirit does?! The successful co-creation of your dreams is Spirit’s favorite excuse for a grand celebration!
You are Divine Creators! So, please, dream your dreams… I assure you they spring from the origin of your own Divine Soul. We do request that you write them in pencil and give Spirit the eraser…
We have energetic doctorates in dreaming and see all current and future potentials! We understand there are circumstances when a state of surrender will be more challenging for you to attain. It’s also realistic for some to expect, in the beginning, you will move back and forth between states of resistance and surrender. It is a process…
One that is best continually practiced. However, learning to surrender your attachment to outcomes will bring you a sense of freedom and peace you never knew existed. We enthusiastically encourage you to develop this practice as it comes with great reward...
It’s the death of suffering. Change is inevitable… Your suffering is optional. Suffering happens when you fall into the gap and get stuck between how things are and how you think they should be. It’s important to understand you will never be able to control or change your current circumstances by resisting “what is”.
Many resist surrendering because you don’t see any physical evidence of - nor do you have faith that your current circumstances can change for the better. If you did, you would absolutely let that sh*t go! Understand that physical evidence is not the only or even the greatest source of proof that your dreams are manifesting. Much is taking place outside of the physical realm. When you resist what is, you block your own energy flow and you feel “stuck”. When you surrender, you move into acceptance and you stop focusing on “what isn’t”. This is the first step to being back in the flow of your life.
As your energy begins to flow again you will feel inspired, synchronicity begins to abound, you find yourself in alignment (more often than not) with your dreams and life feels joyful. It sounds delightful, yes? I promise you, it feels even better!
So, you say… Maqa, what exactly are you asking us to surrender? This is a great question! We ask you to surrender and trust Spirit’s eagle eye view and our Divine sense of timing. We ask that you relax (read RELEASE) your grip on the steering wheel. We ask that you surrender the notion that you know the best route to your desired destination. Surrender your own judgments about where you think you should be in life. Do you know where you should be? Right where you are! This is the grand design of the Divine! If you choose to believe it, you will have your physical evidence. It is important to remember that your dreams and desires are born out of contrast.
Experiencing what you don’t want helps you understand what you do want to experience. This brings about a desire for change and, voila, a dream is born. So please refrain from judging your experiences. Your dreams will not spring forth from a judgment that you are not where you “should” be. This is resistance… “My life should look like ________.” Please, fill in the blank. (I should be in a different job, I should be promoted by now, I should be in business for myself at this point, my house should have sold by now, I should be in a relationship, I should be married, I should have 2.5 children and a dog; I should be fully expressing my purpose and my passion!)
The truth is… No, it shouldn’t look that way right now. Because, if it was supposed to look that way… It would look that way. And, the moment it should look that way… You will know it without a shadow of a doubt because, it will look that way!
The moment you make the choice to trust and surrender, you are one giant leap closer to the life you desire… The one filled with peace, joy and inspiration. So please, surrender all of your favorite story lines about why you are where you are, or why you’re not where you want to be; who is at fault for that and how this situation is keeping you from living your dreams. Searching your beliefs and becoming aware of the “link” between your past conditioning and your current circumstances can help you become aware of the source of your resistance. However, it is equally important to surrender your stories and step into the life you desire!
Release your resistance to where you are in this moment and accept that “what is” is perfect for the evolution of your Soul, even if it doesn’t feel good in the moment. Place your focus on enjoying your life and all the many blessings that abound. Trust Spirit to help guide you toward all the perfect steps. You deserve to feel peaceful and joyful while on the journey of pursuing your dreams! Grab Spirit’s hand… We are happy to help you soar.
You are so dearly loved,